Monday, September 30, 2019


I found the poem "Dream Within A Dream" interesting, I never thought about my dreams like that. I never thought of things as a dream. I always think dreams are just not real, that it's just things that I feel that are going to happen when they are not. Things I just make up in my mind. The way the poet wrote it as if we will never know what is real or what it was not.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


        The story "Young Goodman Brown" is about a man who apparently takes a walk, but we never know if he actually did. It could've all just have been a dream. Goodman Brown takes a walk down a dark forest path, as he is walking he see's and old man. The old man tells him that he is late, and he say's that his wife kept him back. The old elder man was dressed as his grandfather. Then all of a sudden the old ma turns into a living serpent which is the devil. Later on the walk with the serpent he see's all the leaders of government with the devil. But again we don't actually know if it was all real. He believes that his wife Faith has been lying to him all along, he lost his faith in everyone that day.

        The author Hawthorne communicates his theme in many ways, he uses tone, symbolism, characterization, foreshadowing, diction, and syntax. The way Hawthorne described the character as an honest person and then at the end all of it changing, to the main character Goodman Brown lost all his hope on everyone. From one simple dream it changed his whole perspective on people. The author used the pink ribbons for foreshadowing.

Monday, September 23, 2019


I think Hawthorne wrote this story to say that you trust people once but once you know something about them that trust can all go away. I think Stephen King was affected by that story because that story says so much about something. Our imagination is something big and powerful, it can create things that seem so real but in reality it's all in your head. Our imaginations an create scenes that have never happened before, and sometimes we think it has. Our minds evolve over time, with the more knowledge we get. Do we really know people 100% do we know what they are actually thinking, I feel like some people feel like they can trust people but we really can't there is so much we don't know about them it can be a really completely different person.


I think  Hawthrone's purpose of writing this story was to show well tell, that not everyone can be trusted completely. I think Brown's wife's name "Faith" doesn't fit her completely because he doesn't have faith in her, he probably think she isn't his truthful wife anymore. I think the pink ribbons signify his wife Faith. I think that what Brown witnessed was a dream because not everything disappears all of a sudden. For example he stated " when he found himself amid calm night and solitude, listening to a roar of the wind, which died heavily away through the forest."  things like that don't just disappear. It only happens in dreams. I think the old man is the devil because in the story the author gave us a huge hint, " The devil."  I think the staff represents Brown. It makes Brown feel that everyone he trusted was for nothing, that everyone in his life has betrayed him or like lied.  If Brown didn't walk into that forest he would still be trusting everyone and would have faith in his wife Faith.  And yes I believe he would still have his wife faith. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


One thing that I felt that I did really good in this course was the memorizing the poems, I felt that it was very easy. One thing that I feel proud of as I look back is getting a 4.0 GPA in Junior High, which a 4.0 is all straight A's. And for also getting 2 medals in junior high, I never thought I would get all straight A's when graduating but I did.


I thought the story " Young Goodman Brown" was very interesting because it is like a similar story I hear about which is about Adam and Eve.  The way the author described the snake and what it says and does, is very similar to Adam and Eve. The story sounds sort of creepy but not really. At first I was like, "hmm this sounds similar."


Given the conversation about our e-mail the way I will select the most appropriate channel for my communication is by using proton email. The way proton email works is that it will keep your things secure, unlike other emails.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


My habits in time support my goals because I try to use my time wisely. I try to do my homework right when I get home. My time usually just revolves around of school, because I get up and get ready to go to school for like 8hrs, then I get home and then do my homework for like hours. Sometimes I like help my mother cook or clean. All this teaches me stuff, I learn from all of this. So this all would be helpful for the future. My homework supports my goals because I mostly just have math homework which takes a lot of time and thinking, and my goal is to pass math at least with a B. So this habit in time supports my goal.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Today I was thinking about the word mindful and how it can mean different things for so many people. To me it meant like be open minded and to think outside the box. Mindful also meant to me to be in peace and no one to disrupt your thinking.


Today in class we read a story about a myth that the Native American's told their children and family member's on how the earth was made. They didn't have any idea on how the earth was made so they made up a myth, that would give them at least and idea on how the earth was made. At first I thought wow this is just another fairytale people tell their kids when they are young, like they did when I was young. But this actually had meaning. I thought this was a great way to tell a story to a child. Whenever my parents told me a myth it was one of those scary ones where he would say, "if you don't behave good the llorona will come for you" so I knew I always had to behave good. But the way they explained the story on how the earth was made was very interesting on how creative they were.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Today I am going to talk about me being understood. I'm also going to talk about how social media has taken our attention away from the real world. I myself am also kind of addicted to social media, it's like a powerful thing for us teenagers. Kids all ages are now apart of social media. It's like it has sucked them into the technology world. People all over the world use social media as a way to entertain themselves. They sometimes don't see the dangers there is too it. Social Media can be dangerous place for some people, because they can steal your identity or even try to track you to kidnap you. I know right creepy. Some of us don't realize that until we go through that.  Social media has all of our information as we know it, they have everything we let them access to. Such as our pictures, contacts, where we live. We never know who is actually behind that app. I'm pretty sure half of us here don't even read the terms and conditions, because I know I don't. We all just click agree and move on to the more entertaining part of it. It can also be a dangerous place because people do online bullying or harassment. Many people commit suicide because of online bullying or real life bullying. Some people don't know what people are going through online, most parents don't even check what their child is posting or doing. I mean what teenager wants their parents to check their social media, I mean I wouldn't. But I think that parents paying attention to what their child is doing or posting is good because it can make sure their child is not harming anyone in any way.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Everything is a remix

A remix is something you combine, transform, and copy. Domain is being able to speak just like everyone else. I think it was Dylan I'm not sure I wasn't able to quite catch the name but he copied the Great Gatsby because he wanted to know how it felt like to write an amazing book.

The Making Of An Essay

In the past in my sophomore year I used to write good essays. I mean I was decent at them I used to get B's and A's. I used to like writing essay's on my opinions because I like my voice to be heard, well sometimes.  I used to not really like trying on essay's because they were just like any boring essay's, you had to have your topic sentence thesis etc. But today in class our teacher said that we should try very hard on it. And I will if I ever do get an essay to do.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The first 50 pages

The first few pages in my book I was like " what in the world is going on!" I was so lost but as I  re read it I finally understood. I read more than 50 pages I read 60 pages. I actually really like the book, it's  pretty interesting. I judged the book by it's cover first, I was like " I already know I'm not going to like it." But I ended up being into it. The book is about a like 30 year old woman who opens up a detective place without knowing anything about it. She opened up the place with her dads money because her dad had just passed away. The main character Mma Ramotswe didn't think she would get her first case but she did, a young lady's husband disappeared, but turns out an alligator ate him. There's more to it than just that, there are different perspectives in the story, like her father's point of view and hers. In some parts it is sad but it some parts it gets intense. I am so far enjoying the book and can't wait what is yet to come in the story.

Getting to know you

Today's class experience a kind of nice because we got to know what other people liked. I wasn't here that day but that' what I heard from my group. I wish I was there to actually experience the class time, and see what others liked to do.