Thursday, February 27, 2020


In the book " The Great Gatsby" chapter 8, Gatsby tells Nick that he waited until 4 o'clock for Daisy to turn off her light. Gatsby tells Nick that  nothing happened that he just waited for Daisy to turn off the light. Nick tells Gatsby to go away before they trace the car Daisy drove to murder Myrtle.  He wouldn't consider it he couldn't possible leave daisy until he knew what she would do.  Gatsby says that when he went war  he made love to Daisy, that he felt as if they were married to each other. I feel like when the second character interrupted everything to say that he wanted to drain the pool was, that he wanted to drain everything Gatsby has lost. I am not sure how to explain it but like to drain all his feelings I guess, it's like a metaphor to me. I think it was so important for him to swim on his pool one last time, because it's his last time to swim on something he has not lost yet, I'm not sure. At the end of chapter 8 Gatsby's servants hear gun shots, but they do not know what it was. But in the end it turns out Mrs. Wilson's husband shot Gatsby because he thought that Myrtle was having an affair with Gatsby and that he was the one who murdered her. After she shot Gatsby he shot himself.


In chapter 7 in the book "The Great Gatsby" Gatsby stops having parties because he thought that Daisy did not like his parties, he really cares about Daisy's opinion because he is in love with Daisy. He would really do anything for her.  Gatsby also fires his staff because he does not want them to gossip about everything that is going on. Gatsby hires people that have never been to West Egg Village. Wolfsheim hires them for Gatsby because he wanted to do something for them . I think their personalities are quite serious, I feel like they don't really get into drama. When Gatsby saw Daisy's daughter he didn't really even actually think she had one with Tom. Daisy asks her daughter what she  thinks about her friends, expecting her to say something about Gatsby. She says she looks nothing like Tom that it mostly looks like her.  In New York, Gatsby confronts Tom and tells him that Daisy never loved him, that she only loves him ( Gatsby). Tom kept saying that, that was not true. Gatsby said that Daisy has been waiting for him, because Gatsby used to be poor meaning that now that he is rich they could be together . Gatsby asks Daisy to tell him everything. Then Daisy says on how she could possibly love someone like him, she loved Gatsby once but not anymore. She loves Tom now. On the way too Long Island Daisy was driving Gatsby's car and ran over Tom's mistress Myrtle Wilson. Daisy ran over her bad, Myrtle ended up dying.  Then Gatsby had to take the car back to his house.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


The difference between agreeing to complete work for each other, being told what to do for homework, and exploring what you want to in your way, is that you don't get to do stuff at your own pace. Also you cannot do stuff you want your own way. Except when you are exploring stuff you want in your own way. Doing stuff your own way is sometimes so much better because you get to do stuff at your pace and do stuff by yourself without having, to  do it the way the other person wants to. Maybe even doing something different that's isn't like mandatory is much better because you get to explore things you like. Personally I like doing stuff my own way and exploring things I am interested in, I dislike having to do stuff someone else's way and it being mandatory. I like learning by myself most of the time.

Thursday, February 20, 2020


Gatsby's real name was James Gatz but he changed his name when he was seventeen. Gatsby threw a party and invited rich people and even invited Daisy, Tom, and Nick.  Gatsby threw a party so that Daisy would like him. Gatsby told Tom he knew Daisy, and Tom was wondering how he knew her. Tom thought that Daisy shouldn't be walking the streets alone. Tom called Gatsby a bootlegger, because he was just rich like the rest of the people at the party. Tom was basically talking bad about Gatsby. Daisy stood up for Gatsby, she said the people at the party were really interesting. Tom said that it looked like Daisy was not having a good time because of her face expression when the some lady was talking to her. Tom mentioned that he wanted to know who Gatsby was and what he does. Daisy then told him what Gatsby did, and then they both left. Gatsby really thought Daisy did not like the party. Gatsby wanted to change the past or bring back the past of him and Daisy together. Gatsby gets the idea that he can repeat the past. I believe that Gatsby is really in love with Daisy, but he should not be trying that hard. If they really loved each other Daisy would leave Tom to be with Gatsby. I feel like Daisy is also still in love with Gatsby but just doesn't really want to show it. I also feel like they keep getting Nick involved when it should just be Gatsby and Daisy solving their problems to be together. Because, then they are going to get Nick in the middle and then get him into trouble.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Nick invited Daisy and Gatsby over for tea. Gatsby was scared that he was so pale, when Daisy got in Gatsby was not there he had gotten out the back and went through the front door as if had just gotten there. It had been 5 years since they had not seen each other. There was tension between them. Then Gatsby took them to his house. He bought the house so that he could see Daisy's from there. Gatsby was giving them like a tour of the house. If Daisy liked the house so did he. Daisy was crying over the Gatsby's shirts but in reality she was crying over him. At the end Gatsby and Daisy stay alone at Gatsby's house, and Nick leaves them alone. They were not even paying attention to Nick anymore.

Monday, February 17, 2020


I believe that we can show what we learned on what we read, by posting on our blog and describing what we read and the important details or facts we got out of it. If we did not understand what we read we could post on what we did not understand, and people could help us get a better understanding out of it by commenting on our blog post.


Elizabeth: 8/8

Lily: 8/8

Berardita: 7/8  #5 was that Nick described Gatsby as a florid and corpulent person in his middle years.


The questions from the test that I made, are important because it basically sums up the chapters. They also tell us important stuff that the characters bring up throughout the story. One of the persons who took my test didn't answer #5, probably because it was a little difficult to find. Some people also had some trouble figuring out who Mr. Wolfshiem is. So I had to explain that it was Gatsby's friend.  The questions I had looked like the people knew what was happening and understood who the characters were.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


1.  What is Daisy to Nick?

2.  What is Nick's last name?

3. Who's is Mrs. Wilson?

4. Why does Cathrine say Tom and Daisy cannot get a divorce?

5. How does Nick describe Gatsby?

6. What did Jordan cheat on?

7. Why does Gatsby leave so fast when Nick was introducing him to Tom?

8.  Who is Mr. Wolfshiem ?


 The people at the Gatsby's party were outwardly successful
Gatsby goes to lunch and flashes to make the police go away.
Gatsby loved Daisy, and Daisy loved Gatsby, that's why Gatsby left when Nick was introducing him to Tom. Just before he went to the honey moon with daisy, Tom was cheating on her with a maid.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


During the weekend all I kept thinking about was the government spying on me through my camera phone.  I have not really done more research on my question because I have been busy, but I feel like they can even hear us right now at this moment. Apparently calling a friend gives the government all the other person's information.


Cardinal virtue is like a religion thing, it's like the person who chooses the next pope.  I think this makes us think that Nick is like a saint, I mean he did watch his cousin's Husband cheat on her. But like it makes us think that he is the only honest person there. His ideas are supported, because he keeps his judgements to himself, and it does not seem like he is a terrible person who makes assumptions about everyone.  I think Nick is being humble because he doesn't seem like those rude type of people. Nick tells us on how he feels like him being too honest is a sin.


At nine o'clock In late July  it was the first time Gatsby called on Nick.
Something was making Gatsby nervous, he was feeling insecure about something.


The rumors Nick heard was that he might of  killed a man and that he was a German spy,
Nick calls Gatsby a Belasco.
Nick initially imagines Gatsby as a florid and corpulent person in his middle years.
Nick finds out that Jordan is a cheater.
They plan to go on a hydroplane the next day.
Nick says " I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known" I think he said that because he does not fit in with the rest of the crowd, everyone in his crowd is telling stories and he is just being himself.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Gatsby pp 38- 49

In the story "The Great Gatsby" page 41, Tom Buchanan broke Mrs. Wilson's nose because she kept saying Daisy so much. They were all drunk at that time. Tom Buchanan thought that Mrs. Wilson did not have the right to say Daisy's name, so they were discussing about it face to face, so that is when she started saying it over and over. Tom reacted fast and broke her nose. Nick got invited to Gatsby's party, he was alone for a few minutes and then found Jordan Baker.

Gatsby pages 12-26

In dinner the phone rang and tom was talking to his other girl, they wentt to go listen, Nick was surprised
people don't seem happy , they are always drinking, and daisy is self absorbed, there is an affaire.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Gatsby pp 27-38

Tom was having an affair George Wilsons wife. While George leaves to get chairs, she makes plans with Tom.  Catharine was telling Nick why Tom wouldn't  get divorce with daisy, its because Daisy was apparently catholic and Catholics don't get a divorce

Monday, February 3, 2020


Talking about my big question will help me remove an itch that I have had. Many people on social media always talk about the government spying on us, and I have always wanted to know if it is true. Famous YouTuber's like Shane Dawson have talked about stuff like this, it makes me feel so creeped out.  I have never really gotten into deep with that question because I never really thought of it as something I should do research on, until the opportunity came when we had to ask any question we would like and do research on it. Doing research has given me some evidence to it, but not enough. Hopefully fully figuring out if this is true will finally remove my itch.

Meet Nick

I think Nick is from Connecticut, he went to Yale which is in New Haven. He wrote for the Yale news. He lives in a modern home and pays $80 for rent. Nick is a person who is sort of lonely, he considers people he doesn't really talk to his friends. Nick likes keeping his criticism to himself and not saying it out loud, well that was a piece of advice he got. Nick lives near Gatsby, he gets too see his beautiful home, it's his view from his home. Daisy is Nick's second cousin.