Friday, August 30, 2019

Hack To School

This American Literature class is about being able to express what we are thinking, like our critical thinking skills. It also helps us improve our writing skills, and we get to think outside the box. Other teachers don't really do this, so this class gives us the opportunity to write what we got. The easiest part of this English class, is writing on our Journal's and posting on our blog, I mean for some people it may be hard because they don't know what they are going to write about but for me it's easy. The hardest part of this class is trying to memorize the poems, I mean it isn't that hard but at the same time.  I've learned a lot of new vocabulary so far, such as limbic which is apart o our brain. I've also learned how to navigate through this blog. I've also been able to express my critical thinking skills in away other students don't. My big question is whatever anyone has ever  said  is all a lie or the truth, like what the president says or government. Like are they just lying to us so that we don't find the real truth on what's really going on in the world or is it actually the truth?

Training like a memory champion

I thought that the short story "Training like a memory champion"  was a very interesting story, I didn't think that people remembered phone numbers with codes called mnemonics. I thought that was like crazy. I also thought it was kind of complicated to do that, but it seems to have helped people remember phone numbers. I never knew that kind of stuff existed either! It was such an interesting fact to know.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Communication Strategies Of A Hacker

The Mentor's use of diction, syntax, and tone effectively conveys his message, because he wrote something that some of us could all relate too. His diction was a meaningful and powerful message for his audience. The tone was sophisticated for his audience. He is trying to say that we are all alike because in some way, we all do some terrible things, we all do just do stuff. We are just basically all alike.  He knows us in some way we didn't know he knew us. The way he knows us even though he does not talk to us, is because we are all alike.

Monday, August 26, 2019

The laughing heart

I Asked A Question

Today I asked a question which was, if what anyone ever said was not  true? I believe that not everything anyone ever sys is true, sometimes people lie to protect their reputation. Sometimes they even lie because they are just to scared of what anyone might think of them. So just think for a moment, is it all a lie or is all the truth?

Conscience of a hacker

My reaction to the "conscience of hacker", is that whatever he said is what everyone thinks of us. Like I feel like the teachers always think of us as the bad people, well some. I also feel that soon everyone will find where they belong just like he did, well not belong, it's more like where you fit in.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Now I remember

The way I remembered the poem " Richard Cory" was by reading each stanza one by one. So I read the first stanza and memorized that part and moved on to the next one and did the same thing. I kept practicing for about 1hr or so. I memorized it on a Tuesday which as the next day. I had to make sure it was very stuck in my head so before bed I read it again, or asked someone to test me on it. So it basically took me two days to make sure I had it well memorized.


In my point of view, I thought this was crazy, I always said everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But I guess I was wrong, not everyone is entitled to their own opinion because there are certain things we can't say.You must have the support of other people, they must support your right to your opinion. I understood that if someone is entitled to their own opinion they must have well supported evidence.


Today I learned that we are not entitled to our own opinions, there's a lot of stuff we aren't allowed to say that we didn't know about. I also learned that  right and entitlement mean the same thing. And something that caught my attention was the new word I learned called limbic, which meant the sensitive part from the back of our brains. Which I thought was a totally cool new fact I learned.

Response to : The Socratic Method

I feel as if the Socratic method is a good way to get students communicating and learning those speaking skills. Although, some students may be shy to be speaking, it still gives them the opportunity to share their opinions. It also gives them those critical thinking skills, that they will be using in the real world.  

Response to: The Right To Your Opinion

This was a bit confusing to read, but as I kept re-reading the paragraphs I sort of understood. I feel like everyone should be entitled to their own opinion without being judged by others, and that each person understands each others point of view.

Friday, August 16, 2019


Hello, my name is Lesli and welcome to my blog.  Here are a few facts about me, I am 15 years old and I am a very shy person. Also a weird thing, I don't like cake and hate cold water. I know that's weird but that's just me. I'm also kind of really good at English I think that's my favorite subject. I am very bad at math but I'm slowly getting better at it. I sometimes like to go for a jog around my house, but I don't do that often. I hope to learn a lot this school year, and increase my learning skills.