Tuesday, January 28, 2020


When I read the article " How Amazon, EBay and other online stores try to trick you into buying" I was very interested. When I would look at stuff online for example "Shein" it would like cross off the original price and put a less cheaper price. I thought that was a very good deal, but I would never really not even end up buying  anything. I remember if you liked, signed up with an account it would give you coupons that were like $5 or up to $20 off , when you purchased like $50 or more on any items. It looks like a good deal but it really isn't. I knew they were already tricking people so that they could make more money, but I mean every store does that so it didn't really bother me.


 When I asked Robert on how he came up with the big question which was " What's inside a black hole?"  he said "Its because it scares me, I thinks the earth will fall in one and I would like to know what its inside of one."

 Then I asked Bernardita the same question, her big question was "Is there life after death?" and she said " people say there is hell and there is heaven, some people have almost died and have been to heaven and they came back to explain how heaven was like, so people could imagine it."

I found their thought process very interesting, I never really thought that people have been thinking about that.

Monday, January 27, 2020


The Big questions that I was interested in is "Is there life after death?" I have also wondered about this one for a very long time and I have always wanted to know. I mean there is certain religions that say that there is and all that other stuff. But I there really. I mean there is so much to that questions that makes you think so much.  Another question that I was interested in was " what is inside a black hole?" I also would like to know more about that one, because it seems like something very interesting to discover. There must be something interesting there right?  All the Big questions in class were very interesting, but those were the two that I really liked.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


Hopepunk is a literary and artistic movement that celebrates the pursuit of positive aims in the face of adversity. It's a narrative message that means "Keep fighting, no matter what", because all fictional characters are fighting for something. Hopepunk is part of a wider culture. It is toward optimism and positivity. The authors think it matters because they know that all fictional characters are fighting for something, and they know that they never stop fighting until they do something.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Genre is the class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form.

Naturalism to unjust system and society

Modernism is modern character, tendencies or values

realism is interest in or concern of what is real or not.

liminal you know what doesn't work for you and what does.


Syllogism is the simplest form of logical argument
one way is for truth, the other way is asking about the validity of and argument.
Truth is that we actually verify in the world.
Major premise,
valid means the premises don't necessarily support it.
The government is spying on us, he uses technology as a way to access our information therefore the government is spying on us.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


In my American Literature class we started to read an article on John Steinbeck, we read half of it in class and I read the rest at home. In class we talked about how Steinbeck was writing during WWII and other harsh times in life.

In class he mentioned on how life has conflicts, that's what makes it interesting. Also on how what makes things like more good is having evil. That's what Steinbeck was also trying to say.

In my opinion I actually agree with them, because imagine just having a life with no conflicts, I mean that sounds great. But, there's nothing interesting. My teacher gave us an example, imagine reading a novel where the character is named Bill, he wakes up kisses his wife in the forehead tucks his kids in, and goes to work. Then he comes back home eats dinner shower goes to sleep. Imagine the novel just being about that, there is nothing interesting. Sometimes evil can just make things better.

When Dr. Preston gave us two links that take you to the same article I chose " what makes us happy and sad" I chose that one because I found it interesting and I wanted to know about it. " the article on John Steinbeck" just seemed to simple and boring to me.  

Monday, January 20, 2020


Today in my American Literature class my teacher played a video for us on Martin Luther King Jr. and asked us if we could find any Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.  

Ethos means, qualities of a speaker/writer that we can trust. Pathos means, quality of emotion. Last but not least Logos, it means reason.

As we watched, I saw how MLK used Pathos in his speech, he was showing a lot of emotion. He looked very passionate, and put his heart into it. I also saw a lot of Ethos in his speech, he made us feel like we could trust him given all his statements. MLK gave us his reason, also know as Logos. He gave us a why. 

" withering injustice"- MLKJR this means that he felt that they were being humiliated in their lack of fairness. 

Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech was very touching to me, because on how well he spoke, and how he made us feel like we could trust him. You can even see that thousands of people trusted him too. He gave African Americans freedom. MLK gave them rights, and peace. I was very impressed and very touched by his passionate speech. 

Thursday, January 16, 2020


I was in search of a novel, and I stumbled upon a website with free online novels. I found a novel that I recognized because I had seen the movie and for sure knew I would want to read the novel, because every movie is different than the story. The novel was called " The Fault In Our Stars" by John Green.  What appealed to me was how it said that the characters had chemistry between them, and I love romance novels because I find them very interesting. I also researched 2 short stories the first one caught my eye because it was called " A Dead Woman's Secret " by Guy De Manpassant. I also love reading mystery and like thriller, so that one was very interesting. What seemed appealing to me was the title, it was kind of creepy. Another short story was " The Terrible Old Man" by H.P. Lovecraft. Something about that short story caught my attention I am not sure what, but it was the title. That one seemed to be like a thriller to me. To find these stories and novel, I just went to duckduckgo.com and searched up novels, then found one that I liked then I searched up short stories and found them on americanliterature.com.

American Literature

I believe American Literature is the way a person adapts to their written work, and is able to express themselves through it. I can contribute to it by being able to adapt to my writing and express myself through it.