Friday, August 30, 2019

Hack To School

This American Literature class is about being able to express what we are thinking, like our critical thinking skills. It also helps us improve our writing skills, and we get to think outside the box. Other teachers don't really do this, so this class gives us the opportunity to write what we got. The easiest part of this English class, is writing on our Journal's and posting on our blog, I mean for some people it may be hard because they don't know what they are going to write about but for me it's easy. The hardest part of this class is trying to memorize the poems, I mean it isn't that hard but at the same time.  I've learned a lot of new vocabulary so far, such as limbic which is apart o our brain. I've also learned how to navigate through this blog. I've also been able to express my critical thinking skills in away other students don't. My big question is whatever anyone has ever  said  is all a lie or the truth, like what the president says or government. Like are they just lying to us so that we don't find the real truth on what's really going on in the world or is it actually the truth?

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